Selected Installation Projects
Much of the recent work is Installation based. This is a selection of more recent projects as well as a couple of early works. The more recent projects include the PhD exhibition held at the .Margret Lawrence Gallery in 2015.
(K)rap(p): Voice as Gaze in the Mundane, 2015. (PhD exhibition)
(K)rap(p): Voice as Gaze in the Mundane examines ekphrasis — the “telling of vision” — in contemporary art. Between the scenario of Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape; recorded archival material relating to my deceased parents involvement in the Communist Party of Australia during the 1950s; and recordings of alleged voices of the dead by Konstantin Raudive, a type of proletarianisation of the gaze, an ekphrastic dematerialisation and re-materialisation of vision is interrogated into its political and uncanny dimensions.
Sean Loughrey hypothesised whether the literary term "ekphrasis" might be made visible as art through its inversion. In doing so presented voice in regard to the spectral, invisible in both social and political terms, then made visible as art through the unification of sound (voice recordings) and image (archival and artefact). He found that through this unification, voice, history and memory have uncanny spectral relations that challenge conventional notions of art.
Selected material was presented with archaic voice recording equipment as part of the Installation project exhibited at the Margret Lawrence Gallery in February 2015.

© 2015 Copyright Sean Loughrey, Installation View, Photos by Kay Abude
At the opening of the exhibition the Victorian Trade Union Choir made a guest appearance near the end of the evening. This collective voice (over twenty members) started singing impromptu in the front space. The choir then gathered and moved through the space and into the back space and presented their next song in front of the enlarged choir image.
© 2016 Copyright Sean Loughrey
Fiat lux, let there be light - again
The Solo Projects, Fiat lux – Let There Be Light – Again, was part of the Melbourne International Arts Festival, Margret Lawrence Gallery, VCAM. A exhibition by Sean Loughrey, essay by Justin Clemens., 2010.

Videos to be played simultaneously.
© 2014 Copyright Sean Loughrey